
We're very pleased that the following speakers are coming to say something potentially useful at the LeSS conference.

Jurgen De SmetChief Simplification Officer, strategic organizational design consultant, SW engineer by heart.
Gene GendelOrganizational Design Consultant, Coach & Trainer
Greg HutchingsYour humble servant... and certified LeSS trainer and coach!
Sergei MuzykantovPO MTS.Kassa (LiteBox)
Viktor GrgicSoftware Product development expert
Wolfgang SteffensCertified LeSS Trainer & Coach, Organizational Design Consultant
Mark BregenzerCLT & Organizational Design Coach
Бевзюк АнтонHead of SM @ Raiffeisenbank
Ari TikkaLeSS Coach
Alexey KrivitskyCertified LeSS Trainer, Certified Scrum Trainer, Co-Creator of Org Topologies™
ILLIA PavlichenkoOrganizational design consultant
Konstantin RibelCLT • Streamline Efforts, Achieve Impact 💥